Apabad is the most awaited Nepali Movie in 2012. The movie is releasing in theaters in Nepal from 15th June. Apabad has been already released worldwide including US and Australia. The Movie is Premiering in the UK on 23rd of June. It has also multiple scheduled shows in all over the UK.
Nepali Chalchitra is the UK distributor the Apabad – Nepali Movie. In UK, Apabad Screenings are organised by Nepali Chalchitra and Lexlimbu.
View Apabad Website | Buy Apabad in UK Tickets
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This is Sushil Manandhar from Shree Ram Balaji Films Pvt. Ltd., Marketing – Head.
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Sushil Manandhar
Marketing – Head
Shree Ram Balaji Films Pvt. Ltd.
Kamalpokhari, Kathmandu, Nepal
Mobile No.: 977 9841 424462