Upcoming Kollywood Nepali Movie has released its first look posters today via several online outlets. The Nepali Movie which was previously scheduled to release towards the end of this year (28th December) has furthered its release date to 18th of January. Kollywood Nepali movie is directed by Navaraj Acharya and features Aryan Sigdel, Priyanka Karki, Bishnu Karki and Payal Thapa in the lead roles. Here are the official posters of the movie as revealed today.
Priyanka Karki seems to be the main highlight of the movie on basis of the posters and trailer. One of the new comers in the industry, Priyanka Karki has already done some other movies and awaiting their releases. Three Lovers – Nepali Movie (released today) happens to be her first released movie introducing to the big screens and she is been receiving fairly good responses from the movie.
Apart from Priyanka, Bishnu Karki and Payal Thapa are also new comers of the movie industry. Navaraj Acharya – the director himself is also debuting in the industry with Kollywood. He however persists not to be called the newcomer in the industry as he believes this is the outcome of his 14 years long experience with the related entertainment industry. Unlike others, another main cast Aryan Sigdel is already an established face of Nepali Movies.
An aside – Before its release in Nepal, Kollywood is being screened in other countries including Doha, Katar where the movie will have a charity show on 4th January 2013 in presence of its actors and the director.
Kollywood is a Nepali Movie based on story within the Movie industry itself. If you haven’t yet watched the movie’s trailer, here it is for you.
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