Kollywood is a Nepali Movie based on story within the Movie industry of Nepal. Kollywood is a movie focused on Nepali Chalchitra industry and shows the struggle of an actor, glitz and glam of the industry. The movie directed by Navaraj Acharya is scheduled to release on 28th December. This is the debut movie of the VJ and popular “Ghar Beti Ba” director Navaraj Acharya. Starring in the movie are Aryan Sigdel, Priyanka Karki, Bishnu Karki and Payal Thapa.
Cast and Crew Details
Starring: Aaryan sigdel, Bishnu karki, Priyanka karki, Payal thapa
Directed By: Navaraj acharya
Written By: Pradeep bastola,Brajesh khanal, Anup sapkota and Navaraj acharya
Produced By: Kumar khadka
Genre: Drama
Official Movie Poster