Coming nearer to its release date, the Madhumas movie unit have got serious with the movie promotions. The movie unit recently hosted a greetings exchange ceremony and released one of the music videos of the song included in Madhumas. You can watch the song titled “Jun Jhai” in the video below.
Music for the song is from Suresh Adhikari and the vocal is of Raj sigdel. Renasha Bantawa Rai has choreographed for the song. Complete details for the music video are listed below.
Lyrics: Suresh Adhikari
Music: Suresh Adhikari
Vocal: Raj sigdel
Choreographer: Renasha Bantawa Rai
Cinematographer: Deepak Bajracharya
Editor: Raju Dhungana
Costume: Poonam Gautam
Colorist: Ananta Ghimire
Graphics: Kamal Shrestha
Based on a romantic theme, Madhumas Nepali Movie stars Aryan Sigdel, Pooja Sharma, Manoj R.C and Shivangini Rana among others.The movie is directed by Sudarshan Thapa and produced by Baburam Dahal.
Madhumas will release in theatres all over Nepal on 25th October (8th Kartik). Did you like the music video?