Nearing to its release, Mukhauta Nepali movie is gearing up with is promotions. The movie team has released few exclusive still from the movie on its facebook page. View the stills from Mukhauta movie below.
The above stills for the movie are from Prabin Koirala. Mukhauta is an upcoming movie starring several actors including Sunil Thapa, Rajesh Hamal, Robin Tamang, Arpan Thapa, Saugat Malla, Nisha Adhikari, Harshika Shrestha, Prasant Tamrakar, Pradeep Dhakal and Saroj Bhakrel.
The movie is written and directed by Arpan Thapa and will release in cinemas on 13 june 2014(30 Jestha 2071).
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[…] For more information on Mukhauta Movie, see Mukhauta Movie stills on Nepali Chalchitra. […]