Rekha Thapa’s Valentine Day Celebration in US

Rekha Thapa Valentine Day 2013 in US 5

From cancelling her Malaysia Visit to extending her US stay deadline; Rekha Thapa is truly in love with her US tour. No wonder why she calls this year as best one in her life. More than anything else, Rekha Thapa’s Valentine Day seems to be much special. She didn’t just update her status with sweet valentine messages, rather using her wall space took forward to wish Happy Valentine’s day with her romantic photo gallery.

Rekha Thapa in US Glamour Photo Shoot 1 1

“Romance it self is the Glamour, which turns the dust of every date like every year 14th of Feb, means Happy Valentine to all”

Here are few images from the photos shoot at WDC.

Enjoying the Valentine’s Day with Mridula Koirala and others, Rekha Thapa also shared some rose sharing images on the day. Here are few of them.

Rekha Thapa Valentine Day 2013 in US 5

All the best to Rekha Thapa for her US journey! And Happy Valentine’s to you all.



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