Nepali Chalchitra is an ultimate Nepali Movies Portal. The name, “Nepali Chalchitra” translates to Nepali Movie in English. Nepali Chalchitra is the first English portal of Nepali Movies and aims to be a complete database for Nepali Movies.
Nepali Chalchitra is the first global website of Nepali Movies.
Looking to watch Nepali Movies on the web? We bring you the largest Nepali Movie Database on the web, an ultimate Nepali Movies Portal – Nepali Chalchitra. Look nowhere else for Nepali Movies now.
Our Web Portal – is a complete portal of Nepali Movies is trying to bring best of Nepali Movies on the web. is a network of Nepali Movies including Nepali movies videos, Nepali movies songs and information on Nepali Movies Online.
We bring you the latest Nepali Movie news, trailers and posters of upcoming Nepali Movies and features, reviews on the Movies in theatres.
Nepali Chalchitra Promotion and Screening Services
If you are looking to promote your Nepali Movie, feel free to contact us to discuss the possibilities. We can help you reach a significant number of audience through our web and social media networks.
We also provide screening services for Nepali Movies in several parts of the UK including London.
We welcome any suggestions and comments on our services. Just contact us to let us know if you have anything on your mind.