Chha Ekan Chha is a comedy Nepali Movie released on 11th May 2015. This Movie was produced by well-known comedy actors of television such as Dipak Raj Giri, Dipa Shree Nirula, and Niramal Sharma among others. Dipak Raj Giri has written the story of this Movie who was already seen in popular television serial “Tito Satya”.

Chha Ekan Chha Nepali Movie is directed by Dinesh DC. Watch the Chha Ekan Chha Nepali Full Movie below.

Chha Ekan Chha Nepali Movie Full Official Video

If the above video doesn’t work use the below link on Nepali Movies to watch the full Chha Ekan Chha Nepali Movie online.

Chha Ekan Chha Nepali Movie Details

Director: Dinesh D.C
Movie Actors: Nita Dhungana, Rata Makai, Jitu Nepal, Magane Buda
Producer: Dipak Raj Giri, Dipa Shree Nirula, Niramal Sharma
Story: Dipak Raj Giri

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