Gunyu Choli Movie is an old Nepali movie from Siddhikali Films Production. The movie stars Karishma Manandhar, Dinesh Sharma, Nawal Khadka, Shree Lata, Sunil Thapa, Kedhar Adhikari, Chiranjivi Basnet, and Binod Manandhar among others.
Gunyu Choli Movie is directed by Amrit Sharma. Watch the full Gunyu Choli Nepali Movie below.
Gunyu Choli Nepali Movie Full Official Video
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Gunyu Choli Movie Details
Movie Actors: Karishma Manandhar, Dinesh Sharma, Nawal Khadka, Shree Lata, Sunil Thapa, Kedhar Adhikari, Chiranjivi Basnet, and Binod Manandhar
Movie Director: Amrit Sharma
Movie Producer: Asthakumar Kutu
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