Ritu Nepali Movie released worldwide on 7th March 2014 (Fagun 23, 2070). The movie stars Raj Ballav Koirala, Malina Joshi, Rima Bishwokarma, Kamal Silwal, Bishnu Neupane, Iva Ivanova, Bulson, Mana Khatri and Sushila Budhathoki among others.
Ritu Nepali Movie is directed by Manoj Adhikari and written by Sandeep Badal. Watch the full Ritu Nepali Movie below.
Ritu Nepali Movie Full Official Video
If the above video doesn’t work use the below link on Nepali Movies to watch the full Ritu Nepali Movie online.
Ritu Nepali Movie Online – Nepali Movies.TV
Ritu Nepali Movie Details
Movie Description: Ritu is a story of youths and their struggle against the time, seasons, hearts and feelings that are trying their best to not remain the same. It is the story of their tears. It is the story of their laughs. And it is the story of their love.
“Ritu”, director Manoj Adhikari’s debut feature is the joint venture of Australia based Alp Entertainment, USA based Planet3Films and Nepal’s Apil Bista Films.
Movie Actors:
Raj Ballav Koirala, Malina Joshi, Rima Bishwokarma, Kamal Silwal, Bishnu Neupane, Iva Ivanova, Bulson, Mana Khatri, Sushila Budhathoki
Movie Director: Manoj Adhikari
Movie Producer: Alp Entertainment in Association with Planet3Films, Apil Bista Films and Ashok Gautam Films
Movie Genre: Romantic Love Story
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